Update April 2020 We are currently still closed so non essential visitors , we have the Facebook Messenger facility . To use this you need to request Caroline Willmott as a friend on Facebook (the account) with the Grange logo, once this has been accepted you will need to call the Grange to arrange a convenient time to speak with your relative/friend. Please avoid all meal times. Its a... read more
GRANGE GAZETTE MARCH 2020 EDITION Make a firm date in your diary for Papa Jon’s HAPANIN TOUR Helping Australian People and Animals Now in Need on THURSDAY 9th APRIL when Papa Jon will be visiting the Grange with musicians and friends to entertain everyone in the dining room from 2pm. Stalls and Raffle with proceeds to the Australian Fire Service and anim... read more
GRANGE GAZETTE FEBRUARY 2020 EDITION We hope you all enjoyed celebrating the Chinese New Year last month with crafts, quiz sheets and a delicious Chinese menu from the amazing Karen and Muriel in the kitchen. It was lovely to see everyone having a great time and a big well done to our residents for using chop sticks…you are all superstars! Throughout the year we will continue ou... read more
GRANGE GAZETTE DECEMBER 2019 EDITION We welcome you to our CHRISTMAS FAYRE on SATURDAY 7th DECEMBER 2-4pm Singing Santa, many stalls and games, tombola, cakes, light refreshments, hot festive rolls, unique gifts from the ladies of Aladdin’s Cave and our grand raffle draw. All proceeds to the Resident’s Fund We have a busy festive season ahead which beg... read more
GRANGE GAZETTE JANUARY 2020 EDITION Our sincere thanks for your support during the Christmas Fayre. You helped to raise a wonderful £1142.25 for the Resident’s Fund to provide additional entertainment and activities. We had a tremendous group of staff and volunteers who helped on the stalls, sold raffle tickets, donated prizes and baked yummy cakes. A big tha... read more
Grange Gazette November 2019 Edition We must thank everyone for making last months Notts and Lincs Air Ambulance fundraising event a great success. Together we raised a fantastic £250 during the afternoon from raffle sales, tombola, cakes and bric-a-brac. Everyone enjoyed the entertainment from Papa Jon and friends while the Breaston Ukulele Group returned to the Grange for a popu... read more
GRANGE GAZETTE OCTOBER 2019 EDITION AN INVITATION AIR AMBULANCE FUNDRAISING EVENT on THURSDAY 17th OCTOBER 2-4pm On Thursday 17th October we are holding a musical charity event with the assistance of Papa Jon from the Breaston Ukulele Players. A host of musicians will be calling in to entertain everyone throughout the afternoon donating their time ... read more
SEPTEMBER 2019 EDITION Your amazing arts and crafts were a great success at the Erewash Museum Beach Event with items displayed throughout the building and in the courtyard. After receiving such a positive response from their visitors the museum requested an extension on the loan period and we were happy to oblige. Erewash Museum is a hub of activity and they estimate thousands of visitors ha... read more
GRANGE GAZETTE August 2019 Edition ART at the HeART We hope everyone enjoyed the Celebration Day last month. Many craft items are now displayed around the building and in the garden showing our new skills and amazing art work. It was a lovely sunny afternoon and we had to eat our ice creams very quickly in the hot weather! The new Mayor of Erewash Sue Beardsley and her Consort wer... read more
The summer fayre will be on 22nd June 2pm til 4pm, out in the gardens (weather permitting). We hope you can all join us to support the Grange and the residents funds... read more