The Grange Gazette

August 2023 Edition

Introducing adorable Poppy and her winning rosette during our Pet Week at the Grange.

Sincere thanks to all residents, family, friends and staff for visits from family pets and your photographs.  Your ‘paw-traits’ can be found on the display board in the main corridor and we hope all participating pets have received their ‘goodie-bags’ and rosettes.

We must particularly mention Rowyn who added his ‘goldfish’ to the pet gallery which is still swimming strong at the age of eleven!  During all this time his family pet has simply been known as ‘fish’ so residents and staff  enjoyed the opportunity to hold a ‘name the goldfish’ competition.  With suggested names including Jaws, Tuna Turner and James Pond our residents voted to make ‘Bubbles’ the winning name and we now have a very happy goldfish!

We would also like to mention the return visit of Bertie and Ruby of Pooches Therapy Dogs  and a very special and emotional visit from a much loved pussy cat.  A big thank you to all for your  kindness.




We extend a big ‘Well Done’ to all who joined in the fun and congratulate our ‘Winners’.


‘Pet we Would Most Like to Keep’



 ‘The Best Paw Shaker’



‘Pet who Made Everyone Smile’



‘Most Mischievous Puppy’



 ‘Pet with the Biggest Smile’

STORM the horse


 ‘Owner who Looks Like Their Pet’


although this was closely contested by the owner of Rosie and Ralph

Our Penfriends


We welcome 2nd Long Eaton St. John’s  Brownies as our penfriends and thank them for their messages, lovely handmade cards along with their very own newsletter. In reply our residents have created beautifully decorated cards showing pictures of our pets which will also contain our messages.

This is a new intergenerational activity which generates positivity and enjoyment to all who participate.  The Brownies are a credit to their leaders and continue to bring happiness in everything they do for the Grange.

Both residents and staff look forward to seeing you again very soon.


August Birthdays


This month we celebrate three birthdays at the Grange with Evelyn enjoying her special day on the 18th and John on the 20th.  Congratulations to Isobel on the 27th when she celebrates her 100th birthday. 

We hope you all have the very best of birthdays and everyone at the Grange sends their best wishes .



Staff News


We would like to welcome Isobel in her role as General Assistant and Sinead to the Care Team  We hope you will be very happy at the Grange.





During the afternoon of Wednesday 23rd August a Barbershop Quartet will be visiting the Grange to sing in the main lounge. This will be their first visit to sing for everyone and we extend a warm welcome and thank them for travelling from across the East Midlands to see our residents.



Dates for your August Diary


Tuesday 1st join KEVIN SMITH in the main lounge at 2pm and singalong to your favourite songs from the 60s and 70s


Tuesday 8th DAVE JOHNS returns to entertain everyone in the main lounge from 2pm


On Tuesday 15th EMILY ROSE singing in the main lounge from 2pm


Tuesday 22nd RUSSELL WEAVER in the main longe from 2pm with an afternoon  of music from Frank Sinatra, rock n roll through to the 60s







Wednesday 23rd at 3.30pm members of GRAND CENTRAL CHORUS are calling in at the Grange singing a capella and barbershop in the main lounge.  We hope you enjoy their incredible sound.


Sunday 27th Isobel celebrates her 1ooth Birthday


Friday 1st September join CK Cody in the main lounge for an afternoon of Country music

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